Dr Rashidul Alam (Rashed) Mahumud
Research Fellow-Health Economics, NHMRC Clinical Trials Centre, The University of Sydney, Australia
Rashidul Alam Mahumud is a Senior Researcher at Health Economics and Financing Research Group, Under the health System and Population Studies Division, icddr,b. He completed BSc (Honours) and MSc in Statistics from the University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh, an MPH in Epidemology and Health Economics from Independent University, Bangladesh in 2017. He worked as a Senior Lecturer at the School of Business in the Department of Statistics in Asian University of Bangladesh. Mr Mahumud has published a number of articles in peer-reviewed journals. He specializes Costing considering discounting and the annuitization of capital expenditure (differential timing of costs), Cost analysis for household perspectives (direct and indirect cost), Cost analysis for provider perspectives, Cost analysis for societal perspectives, Costing for health intervention research, Economic burden analysis for household due to illness, Estimation of productivity losses, Economic evaluation using patient-level data. Mr. Mahumud is also familiar with different multivariate techniques in health economic domain such as Principle component analysis, Factor analysis, Ridge regression, Multinomial logistic regression, Conditional logistic regression, Poisson regression, Stepwise regression, Best subset regression, ANOVA, Cox-regression analysis, Hazard regression modeling, Survival analysis Multilevel modeling, Econometrics, Panel data analysis (fixed effect, random effect modeling), Time series analysis.