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International Cooperation Officer  |  Thailand

Indonesia - CET study on demand and supply side

Asked: 17 Jan 2024  |   250
In Indonesia, this year we (MoH) have conducted a study of cost effectiveness Threshold both on demand and supply side. The demand side study has been finished and got the results. While the supply side is in the process of analysis. We are wondering and keep questioning among experts, what is the best way to take the final result of both demand and supply, to be implemented in the decision making. Do you have any suggestions or recommendations?


Thailand  |   Replied: 18 Jan 2024 at 16:06
Yot Teerawattananon: I don’t think there will be universal answer on this as it depends on policy context. I would suggest that Indonesia experts bring this issue to discuss with relevant decision making bodies and pilot the use of some of both thresholds and see how the policy implementation looks like. If I may, I think the threshold is not the most important but the impact of using threshold that will affect to investment and disinvestment of technologies. People often think about the use of threshold on new investment and ignore the fact that given a limited resources (e.g. time or money), there will always be an intervention(s) disinvested as a result of investing the new intervention. If the new investment (intervention) is always having a higher value given by the society than the intervention being disinvested, then this country has the right or appropriate threshold. If not, then the threshold needs to be revisited.

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Expert Profiles

Yot Teerawattananon

Senior Researcher
Health Intervention and Technology Assessment Program (HITAP)

Dr Abdur Razzaque Sarker

Health Economist
Health Economics and Financing Research, BIDS and Visiting Research Scholar, Health Economics Unit, University of Melbourne, Australia
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