Martin Muchangi
Regional Programme Manager
| Kenya
Economic evaluation of managed equipment services project in Kenya
Asked: 29 Dec 2018 |
I am developing my thesis proposal and would like to measure the health and economic benefits of a the government programme known as managed equipment services vide: http://www.uncitral.org/pdf/english/congress/Papers_for_Congress/61-OLOTCH-Managed_Equipment_Services_for_Sustainable_Development.pdf. I prefer cost utility analysis because I would like to demonstrate the real value of the intervention in improving health. I am limited by the fact that there was no such intervention previously so its difficult to calculate ICUR. Additionally, there is no comparison between the current intervention and any other since this is new. What method should I adopt?
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Wanrudee Isaranuwatchai
Assistant Professor
Associate Professor for University of Toronto, and Program Leader for HITAP